How do we apply for a grant?

If you are a new applicant or have been declined for funding in the past year, please submit a proposal letter that summarizes your project (limit 2 pages). Those proposal letters that fit our current priorities move on to the second step. Those requests that do not fit our guidelines will receive acknowledgment of our receipt of the proposal letter.
After acceptance of your proposal letter you may access our online application or applications may also be provided by mail. The PDF application forms are here:
The Foundation’s Board of Directors will review your formal application, and all grant applications will be reviewed at one of the Foundation’s bi-annual meetings.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is your average grant amount?
Program Grants average between $2,500 and $10,000. Capital Grants and Endowment Grants are $25,000 each.
What are your deadlines?

The Foundation accepts proposal letters all year. It my take up to six months from the arrival of a proposal letter to approval of a formal grant application by the Foundation’s Board of Directors. The Board of Directors meets twice a year, and all funding decisions are made at these meetings. Deadlines for Program Grant applications are April 1st and September 1st of each calendar year. Endowment Grant application deadlines are April 1st and Capital Grant application deadlines are September 1st.
How often may we apply for a grant?
Organizations may apply once per calendar year.
If we receive a grant, what happens next?
The Foundation usually mails checks within one to two weeks of a grant’s approval. The check will be mailed with a letter outlining the terms of the grant, i.e., that the funds will be used for the purpose stated, and that follow up reports about the project funded will be sent to the Foundation board before future grants will be considered.
If a proposal letter is rejected, can I rewrite it and submit it again?
The Foundation staff will classify proposal letters into two categories: Those that will move on to the application process and those that are unlikely of receiving a positive review. Proposal letters that fall into the second category receive a denial letter. The Foundation does not accept rewritten proposals, as it does not wish to encourage grant seekers to revise projects just to get a grant.
What if we’re not in your geographical area? Can we apply?
The Foundation will review proposals from regional organizations with a demonstrated record of service in the Foundation’s areas of focus; i.e., Pierce County, Washington.
Who is eligible to receive a grant?
Grants are made only to 501c3 non-profit charitable organizations. As a general policy, The Baker Foundation does not make contributions for:
- Projects which are primarily or normally funded by public tax funds
- Religious organizations for sectarian purposes.
- Basic research
- Grants to individuals
The Baker Foundation confines grants primarily to the State of Washington, Pierce County.